Saturday, June 1, 2013

Building Base Knowledge

     I have been looking at Urban Reviews and there are some pretty interesting features to this site. I like the book trailer of the month which is located at the bottom of the homepage. I read a lot of reviews so I think it's nice when a site give another way to get to know some of the books. The site also has another page called One The Line and it's telephone interviews with some of today's top authors. Currently on this page visitors can hear a conversation with Sister Souljah. One last thing that is really helpful about this site is a section for the most  anticipated book of this genre. It gives a quick look at some book that you can expect customers to come in asking for.
    Three sub genres I'm less familiar with:
- Military romance - I checked out Apparently Navy Seals are all the rage and the genre is brought to the for front because of timing. Memorial having just passed and all. This was a cute site with a balls of fire rating system which rates the "heat" of a book.
Three authors recommended on this site are;
- Jessica Scott who is looked on favorably because of her own experience as a soldier.
- Cindy Gerard
- Lora Leigh
These authors all focus on various aspects of the military and they all contain elements of romance. All these authors focus on different aspects though. Scott has military experience and focuses on the psychological aspect of returning from service while Leigh's book is "very hot" i believe the term was with no shortage of erotica. There there is Gerard who focuses on the heroics of no doubt very attractive men in the military. Her characters take on the most dangerous missions and worst villains.
     One mash up that I could see would be combining military romance with realistic fiction because I think Jessica Scott's book could possible fit into that category as well as Nicholas Sparks' Dear John.
- Urban contemporary fantasy - Here is the website I found for this sub genre On this website dystopian society seems to be a reoccurring theme. It isn't in all of the books, but enough to take not. The books also seem to be a part of a larger series and not stand alone books. Three authors recommended by this site are;
- Diana Rowland, who used to work in law enforcement and includes that knowledge in her series.
- Stacia Kane
- Patricia Briggs
These authors' books all contain either shapshifter, ghosts or Demons and take place in a city where the majority of the public is unaware of what is going on around them.
-Steampunk Science Fiction - while on this site, I saw this quote and I love it.  "technology transcends understanding and becomes, for all intents and purposes, magical." It seems that what readers of this genre like is the science and magic mesh for something imaginative and fantastical. Some authors mention in this site are;
- Tim Powers
- James P. Blaylock
- K.W. Jeter
You got to love when a scientist becomes the hero. It's the ultimate underdog story. The site credits these three authors with being the spark behind steampunk.
     I could see a mashup genre being steampunk western because it seems like the movie Wild Wild West would fit in the category as well as cowboys versus aliens.

This assignment took me quite a while to complete, but it was totally worth while. I found all of these sites from doing a google search. I of course looked at more websites than are listed, but these one were by far the best. I love to read how passionate people get about their favorite genres.

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