Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thoughts on Be More Bookish

     I love every opportunity that will help me be a better librarian. There were topics that we worked on where I knew some of the information, but I don't think there was a topic where I knew everything that you had to offer. I figure that you can always know more about a subject. I very much like any addition resources that will help me keep apprised of what books are coming soon and what customers are digging at the moment (did you catch the SRC reverence there?).
     I tried to challenge myself by looking into books or website options that I hadn't read or been aware of before. I think this helped me to get to know additional resources that are available to me. I think that Be More Bookish is great, but if I were to offer one suggestion it would be that there are additional tasks to do throughout the year when something pops up that BCPL believes librarians should be aware of. For example if there is a new website that comes out or tech issue that is springing to the surface then an additional task be created to let librarians know and work with this additional resource.
     Thank you for the training. I have enjoyed it.

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