Monday, May 20, 2013

Early Word

I was excited to see that Veronica Roth finally titled the third book in her Divergent Trilogy. I have been eagerly anticipating the release of this installment and was excited to see that it at least has a title. I was one of the first in the hold line for Allegiant.
I also really like the New Title Radar so that I can be aware of what people might be coming in to look for.
The Penguin Debut Author Program is something I hadn't known about before and that I think is a really good idea. I like that there is a live chat with debut authors and that early word members can give questions for Nora to ask the authors. I hadn't noticed the display ideas page until today and I think this is a great idea, but I think they could be doing so much more with it than they are so that it can be the go to place when you can't think of a display to pep up your library. I have also been listening to Hear the Buzz and listening to reviews of books and I enjoy this because it reenforces what I have read.
While listening to Hear the Buzz I heard about The Son by Phillip Meyer and I noticed this on the list for the most anticipated books in Spring 2013. Hear the Buzz indicated that there was a 200K print run on this title and it was highly anticipated because of the huge success of Meyers' first book American Rust which won the LA times book prize and was on the News Week's list of best books ever. The book is a family epic with a strong Native American influence and it reminds me of Legends of the Falls by Jim Harrison which is also a family saga and has Native American influence.

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